awake in the stillness of the night doing battle with my mind. an ocean of why swirls around my throat and yanks through my hair, i'm drowning with unanswered questions. i reach out for help & i am alone. no one can help me out of this lonely battle with the angry waves. i long for a wave to overcome me and take me out of the struggle, but i know it will not come. i must bob in this sea of anguish until i find the shore, i fear i never will.
image: undertow tony middleton
oh, dear friend, you are not alone. There is one closer than the heart in your chest that has broken, all too well acquainted with sorrow. No one else can compare to that depth of knowing, but so many of us love you dearly and can listen, if nothing else...
ReplyDeleteOh sweet sister of faith, I am so sorry for your loss and the deep hurt you are in right now. Believe me, you are absolutely NOT alone. Not ever. I know what it is like to *feel* like you are alone and to feel like you cannot *feel* God, but let your mind remember what your heart cannot-He IS WITH YOU. He knows what it is like to lose a child. He loves YOU so much that he went through that for you-so He would never, ever leave you. He has a purpose for this awful suffering and He is going to make beauty from your ashes. You WILL find the shore. He WILL lead you. Like I once wrote, whenever I feel like the waters are rising too high and that I will drown, I remember that my savior WALKS ON WATER. Please know that I am praying for you by name. God bless and comfort you in the way that only He can.
ReplyDeleteErin (Rare & Beautiful Treasures)